Turbo Studio
Turbo Studio (previously known as Spoon.net) is a multi featured software program that helps you with the creation of virtual environments. It is a powerful tool that can handle 64-bit and 32-bit applications, meaning you can virtualize any or both of these. Users can migrate their applications using the built-in import wizard, which saves both time and energy. Another key feature is the ability to insert any runtime dependency such as SQL and .NET straight into your virtual applications.
Turbo Studio offers integration with Turbo Hub, a large repository of images, and you can select from these images when creating custom applications to deploy on the web. When it comes to deployment, turbo.net offers several options that the user can utilize to publish their application. If you would like to deploy your app on the cloud, you can accomplish this by integrating with Turbo.net. Otherwise, you can deploy in MSIs, EXEs over intranets through Turbo Server.
Turbo Studio Alternatives
#1 rollApp
rollApp is a powerful virtualization platform that saves your applications in the Cloud, making it super easy for you to access it on a web browser from any device. With Cloud, all the applications are regularly updated and kept secure through the built-in security protocols. The platform currently provides over 340 apps to aid users in their tasks. Users have access to some of the prominent apps that include KTurtle, KolourPaint, PseInt, JASP, LibreOffice Writer, Pivot Animator, Tux Paint, among others.
The platform provides facilitation to people in the Education and Business sectors. By subscribing to rollApp premium for groups, users obtain a complete set of educational, scientific, and productivity applications in a single package accessible on multiple devices.
Another key feature of the platform is the availability of multiple Online File Editing APIs to facilitate software developers. One such API is rollmyfile.js that helps developers make changes to files on the web with a single click. Developers can also take advantage of rollMyFile.js API, a tool that enables them to open their files on the web. You can drop any file on the website, and it will search for an app to open that file.
#2 VMware ThinApp
Sometimes installing any new program or software in the system can be harmful. VMware ThinApp (Formerly known as Thinstall) is based on the technology of virtualization and sandbox that allow the users to accelerate the app deployment and simplified the process of migration of data.
The five essential functions that are performed by the VMware ThinApp are OS migrations, desktop security, application isolation, application mobility, and server consolidation. A real programmer can understand the importance of all these advantages in a single application.
VMware ThinApp is the best program for application isolation because it is capable of creating the virtual assistant in the system and making the application the part of that virtual environment.
In this case, the users of VMware ThinApp can make sure that the newly installed programs will never conflict with the real environment of the operating systems. VMware ThinApp is the name of security that makes it possible for the users to examine any program without even installing it in the system in the real term.
#3 Cameyo
Cameyo is a program for testing the new application or software without even installing it in the system. It is a multipurpose software program that is available for Windows and Linux operating systems.
The main highlighted advantages of using this software are the testing of any software without installing it in the system. With this, you can quickly discover the features of the program, keep the system secure by investing in the fake or virtual environment, and many others.
It is mainly designed for those programmers who are required to deal with many solutions that can be harmful. Cameyo is the name of an entire application virtualization system that is available in the shape of an independent, standalone file. Cameyo is an entirely portable application used. The users can even copy the Cameyo and can execute it in any other system.
The best about Cameyo is that it provides its virtualization and security features for both online and offline activities. In a case of offline activities, the features of Cameyo were a packaging program as a virtual program in the system, edit. They optimized the virtual application, stream the programs as the real one, and check the code of the program via open-source package editor of Cameyo. Just like offline, the online features of Cameyo are meant to deal with online activities.
#4 Software Virtualization Solution
Are you looking for an application that provides you the system of creating a fake environment or virtual environment against the real environment? Here is the best option for you called Virtualization Solution. It is free for personal use and allows the users to try the new software, tool quickly, and even the FPS game without also polluting the system.
It will be undoubtedly hard for you after installing the desired program, and you will realize that it is not the one you were looking for. Now you are required to delete the entire setup or every file in the registry.
Instead of going through such a complicated and hectic process, there is a program that will make you able to install the new program in the virtual environment.
In that’s way, you will be able to get an in-depth analysis of your new program. In a case of not liking, that will be able to uninstall it entirely without even disturbing the real environment of your OS. In a matter of finding that program or game perfect, you can transfer its installed setup from a virtual environment to the real environment of your operating system.
A real developer understands the need for virtualization to create a sandboxing environment in the actual system. Use the Software Virtualization Solution and enjoy the benefits of virtualization and sandboxing.
#5 Enigma Virtual Box
Enigma Virtual Box is an advanced level of system protection system that is based on the system of sandboxing and virtualization. After installing, the users will no more be required to install any antivirus or system protection program. Because Enigma Virtual Box is capable of protecting the system against all kinds of unwanted changes, either these are coming via the online world or happening offline activities.
The way of working of the Enigma Virtual Box is entirely different from most of the sandboxing and virtualization programs. It makes the apps files and registry files able to be consolidated in a single executable file without even loss of efficiency and without a virtualized file having to be extracted to the hard disk drives.
Enigma Virtual Box is free to use application whose support is available for the x64 and x86 binaries. Enigma Virtual Box makes it possible for the developers to virtualize any kinds of files, objects, digital media files, dynamic libraries, or anything else. Even though Enigma Virtual Box provides a new level of virtualization to the users, it can’t be said as a recommended program for virtualization because of little reservation on the security of the system.
#6 Microsoft Application Virtualization
Microsoft Application Virtualization (Microsoft App-V) is software that is called the Microsoft App-V. It is the virtualization system by Microsoft that makes the users able to test the new programs in the Windows operating systems without even really installing then directly on the PC.
Microsoft Application Virtualization makes it easier for the IT experts to deploy across a fleet of devices by allowing access to virtualized applications to any authorized PC client.
The area of functioning of Microsoft Application Virtualization can be categorized into the category of virtualizing, manage, and restore. In addition to providing the virtualization system to the users, Microsoft Application Virtualization provides centralizes the installed programs in a central place as well.
Microsoft Application Virtualization is particularly designed for those developers who are required to deal with several programs, and that can be harmful.
The best about Microsoft Application Virtualization is that it provides its virtualization and security features for both online and offline activities. Microsoft Application Virtualization is the best way to test the new programs without even installing them in the system, and that’s why ensuring the security of the system against unwanted changes.