TMF Group KYC is a rich-featured website that offers an independent assessment on compliance with KYC obligations such as AML, FATCA, CRS, and AIFMD, making the organization build its own database solutions to manage or maintain the different running operations. Their services include customer identification verification, screaming, Global accounting and Tax services, Global Entity Management, Global Payroll, and HR services. Through its data management tools, it processes every transaction in line with local regulatory and global business requirements. The key feature of this platform is that you can easily resolve or monitor mismatched data between central systems and local compliance without any hurdle.
TMF Group KYC facilitates you with ERP localization that allows many accounting services like a review of country-specific ERP configuration, identifying system limitations, and proposing workarounds to meet local requirements. Another hot feature of this platform is KYC reporting, which lets you manage KYC processes efficiently and use productive tools for better growth.
TMF Group KYC Alternatives
#1 Encompass
Encompass provides KYB, KYC, and fraud prevention solutions that aggregate information, managed services, data software, making the organizations accelerate their growth without any hurdle. By using its modern automation process and artificial intelligence, it gathers and analyses a wealth of information to dynamically build a visual picture of a company or individual in just minutes. The basic benefits of these platforms are instant evaluating potential risks or opportunities with the visualization of complex corporate structure, enhance ROI on your organization by detecting fake ids or frauds, and many others.
It persuades you to verify the Government issued ID card, driving license, or passport, and with address verification, you can authenticate utility bills, bank statements, and medical vouchers. Another hot function of this platform is that you can easily resolve or monitor mismatched data between central systems and local compliance without any hurdle. It covers various solutions for Retail Banking, Corporate Banking, Wealth Management, Fun administration, Universal Banks, Business banking, Islamic banking, and many others.
#2 Temenos KYC
Temenos KYC is a website that contains financial Crime Mitigation solutions enabling banks and FI’s to prevent regulatory fines, detect fraud and mitigate reputational risks. It allows you to focus on the complex problems related to your business and offering ultimate flexibility to choose from private or public clouds. It covers various solutions for Retail Banking, Corporate Banking, Wealth Management, Fun administration, Universal Banks, Business banking, Islamic banking, and many others.
Temenos KYC aids financial institutions in driving their digital transformation initiatives and engage with the customers with both digital and physical channels. Through its smart digital experience, it creates a frictionless, personalized, and secure banking experience to maximize customer satisfaction and give actionable customer insights by using data analytics, artificial intelligence, and smart banking capabilities. Another classical feature is that it covers the full investment lifecycle for both traditional and alternatives funds across multiple jurisdictions.
#3 Shuftipro KYC
Shuftipro KYC is an identity verification service that employs artificial intelligence and HI hybrid technology to provide robust identity verification solutions, helping in KYC/AML compliance. It is used by worldwide organizations to perform many tasks like fraud prevention, swift onboarding, risk prevention, and sharing KYC/AML compliance burden. It offers other various solutions like identity verification, background AML screening, facial biometric authentication, video interview KYC, OCR for organizations, and many others.
Through the AML screening of Shuftipro KYC, you can easily trace the PEPs/ terrorists and blacklisted entities with the help of its screening which is based upon FATF, OFAC, Interpol, UN, and HMT standards. It has an exhaustive database of watch lists, sanctions, and adverse media that aids you in individual or business AML screening. It persuades you to verify the Government issued ID card, driving license, or passport, and with address verification, you can authenticate utility bills, bank statements, and medical vouchers.
#4 Pega Know Your Customer
Pega Know Your Customer is the premier customer service platform that forecasts and manages today’s customer journey on a global scale and verify the client’s identity when opening an account over time. Through its digital process automation with case management, it orchestrates work, automates with bots making you mark smart decisions with rules and artificial intelligence. It empowers the business organizing to streamline the operations to minimize costs and enhance business agility or recognize one of the most comprehensive BPM suites to combine RPA and BPM in a single and unified platform.
Pega Know Your Customers enables the business stakeholders to drive enterprise app development without any coding as support for business/IT collaboration, allowing users modifications to control apps in an appropriate manner. With its Unparalleled efficiency, it boosts everyone’s productivity with innovative UX design and complete library components.
#5 IHS Markit KYC Services
IHS Markit KYC Services is a website that is designed to collects, process and shares potential information by providing KYC services to their clients. It offers you a chance to maximize the quality and constancy of KYC, and its automation ensures the processes are carried out in the same way without any restriction of time. It minimizes the complexity of the precious customer onboarding and improves compliance standards. Through its Data Lake solution, it empowers you to uncover business insights more quickly by exploring, accessing your data irrespective of using cloud-based or third-party data platforms.
IHS Markit KYC Services has many other benefits like it utilizes artificial intelligence technologies including cognitive search, machine learning, and natural languages processing, helping you to unlock answers buried deep inside the enterprise system. Other solutions are Financial technology solutions, Financial risk Analytics, loan solutions, and many others. It empowers you to browse the HIS market data estate such as sample data, data schemas, and data dictionaries, along with store, organize and catalog your own structured or unstructured data on the data lake.
#6 Idmerit KYC
Idmerit KYC is a user-friendly identity bureau that is introduced to provide quick and easy personal identity and business verification. Basically, it utilizes API that accesses official data sources across the globe to provide know your customer (KYC), know your business (KYB), and Anti-money laundering. It offers next-generation customer identity authentication by verification of documents such as ID cards, Driving licenses provided by government officials.
As it uses traditional data sources for personal or business verification and mostly used by over 90 countries all over the world. Its verification portal includes Credit files, government data, Electoral Roll, Insurance data, mobile data records, and social network files. One of the hot feature of this platform it facilitates you to examine the device being used to determine if they are the signs of potential fraud and analyzes both set and user, which is not offered by the other traditional software’s.
#7 Webhelp KYC
Webhelp KYC allows one of the powerful verification solutions that deal with vendor authentication and onboarding process mostly used by the banks to manage all the financial flows. Their solutions include commercial assistance, technical support, sales, consulting services, analytical and managed services, technology services, digital services, and many others.
Webhelp KYC has other benefits like digging deeper into contact data to identify root causes of issues, quantification of opportunities to transform CX, and many others. Their commercial assistance service will able the organizations to connect with their customers and strengthen relationships through meaningful and effective conversations. With this platform, you can easily access the global team of people who are dedicated and committed to your business and customers.
#8 IDMission Know Your Customer
IDMission Know Your Customer contains high-class solutions that provide a frictionless avenue for your customer while minimizing risk and maintaining compliance. Through its Transunion integration, it offers extensive consumer and business information from all over the 240 countries and territories, including tens of thousands of news articles. It offers other various solutions like identity verification, background AML screening, facial biometric authentication, video interview KYC, OCR for organizations, and many others.
With the help of its smart digital experience, it creates a frictionless, personalized, and secure banking experience to maximize customer satisfaction and give actionable customer insights by using data analytics, artificial intelligence, and smart banking capabilities. It is a fully automated solution available globally that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to find, develop and enhance level 1, 2, and 3 PREP profiles continuously.
#9 fourstop gmbh
fourstop gmbh provides KYB, KYC, and fraud prevention solutions that aggregate information, managed services, data software, making the organizations accelerate their growth without any hassle. Through its API access, it offers real-time anti-fraud and monitoring technology, enabling you to detect the culprit in no time. For seamless onboarding, it helps the directors to verify or authenticate every merchant with its enhanced real-time KYC. It facilitates you to manage compliance in a decent manner with its on-demand KYC and granular one-click compliance reporting in the form of attractive charts and graphs.
fourstop gmbh contains one of the advance multi-faceted rules engine for anti-fraud automation with 800+ pre-determined rules, free from scripting. With the help of its real-time monitoring, you can enjoy the single-view-of risk of all KYC and anti-fraud performance and fully customizable dashboards with modern filtering. Another classical function includes Money Laundering Detection, Merchant Location Determination, Compliance Sanctions & PEP screening, Category Code Detection, Deceptive Traffic detection, Historical website Data Analysis, and many others.
#10 IDnow
IDnow is an online authenticator that allows you to digitally verify your identity or sign contracts electronically in no time. It offers comprehensive KYC series from electronic signatures to automated or video-based assisted identity verification. Through its global reach, it has the potential to verify 7 billion people by combining artificial intelligence and machine learning technology along with a network of identity or fraud specialists. It includes solutions including AutoIdent, VideoIdent, BankIdent, eID, and many others. AutoIdent solution permits the audience to verifies any type of document issued by the government officials such as ID card, Driving License, Official letters anywhere or any time and supported by 30+ languages in 195 countries
IDnow contains one of the modern biometric verification systems that let users know about the specific person by checking the ID actually belongs to its executing transaction, comparing user’s biometrics with photos on their ID document through selfie check. Another hot feature is that it also covers video-based security systems having live checking, ensuring that no fraudster can pass with recorded face video.
#11 Trulioo
Trulioo is one of the leading global identity verification services that provides instant online identity, document, or business verification coverage of 5 billion people. It offers various solutions for multinational or emerging organizations such as Identity Verification, ID Document Verification, Business Verification, EmbedID, and AML Watchlist Screening. Through its identification verification solution, it instantly verifies identity data online, making you accelerate your productivity curve by following local and international privacy regulations such as GDPR or CCPA.
Trulioo persuades you to catch forged, expired, and stolen IDs before they can be used to commit fraud by using its effective ID document verification solution. Basically, it uses intuitive image capture and automated verification technology, ensuring the organizations capture fraudsters or money launderers without any hassle. Users can verify their necessary documents like Driving license, passports, Identity cards, resident permits, voter ID cards by using a high-quality webcam.