SMS Auto Reply Text Messages / SMS Autoresponder
SMS Auto Reply Text Messages / SMS Autoresponder is a powerful automation app that enables you to respond to all the text messages, SMS automatically. It proves useful when you’re away, in a meeting, occupied with friends & family, playing a game, watching a movie, or don’t have the time to write a reply to a message. Besides general messages, the app also lets you reply to private messages and block select contacts from sending messages.
It offers a PRO setting that unlocks additional options like Text to Speech Service, auto-replying to incoming messages from social media apps including Viber, Skype, Telegram, Discord, WhatsApp, and Facebook. If a person is napping or sleeping, they can turn on the Do Not Disturb mode, which will silence all messages. Let the recipient know that you are in the midst of an important meeting or driving by providing them with a predefined message like “Busy” or “Please, text me Later”.
SMS Auto Reply Text Messages / SMS Autoresponder offers dozens of other features such as low battery consumption, notifying on the status of sent messages, sending exactly one reply to similar contacts, letting you decide the auto-response time, blocking contacts from sending further SMS’s, auto-reply to SMS received form new/unknown people and more.
SMS Auto Reply Text Messages / SMS Autoresponder Alternatives
#1 DM Pilot
DM Pilot is a platform designed to enable Instagram Page owners and SMMs to set up a ChatBot and send messages to their Followers & Unfollowers automatically. Whenever a page gains new followers, you can send them a warm welcome message to start the interaction. You can keep followers entertained by periodically sending them promo codes or catchy messages, giving them a reason not to unfollow.
The platform makes it easy for you to send Bulk messages to a specific list of users. Create a list and add the desired users, after which it is easier to send them text messages with photos, GIFs, emojis, hashtags, and more. Should you need any assistance, the support team is available 24/7 and can fix all issues instantly.
#2 DM Magic
DM Magic is an automation tool used by many users to schedule bulk posts on their Instagram page and send direct messages to their Followers & Unfollowers. It enables Instagram Page owners to welcome new people on their page by greeting them with a customized message with emojis, GIF, and stickers. SMM’s can create a list of users for the purpose of sending bulk messages. DM’s can have all kinds of things like a hashtag, video, photo, link to a post, and more. Users can retain their audience by periodically sending coupons and promo codes, increasing their happiness and making them stick a little longer.
What sets DM Magic apart from competitors is that it offers a full-fledged Web-Based Direct Messenger that allows users to communicate with their fans without tapping their device and converse with customers through any modern browser. Lastly, it is a useful tool for scheduling several posts simultaneously.
#3 AutoResponder for Instagram
AutoResponder for Instagram is a mobile app that helps you quickly & automatically reply to custom received DMs on Instagram page/account. It is fully customizable and gives you the flexibility to modify as many settings as necessary. What makes it unique is that it can instantly Auto-reply to incoming Instagram Direct messages and includes several automation tools. The features allow you to provide replies to multiple messages when you’re occupied. Greet new followers by welcoming them with a fun message having emojis, stickers, Gifs, and more.
AutoResponder for Instagram provides dozens of features, with many more on the way. It ensures that an audience is entertained by enabling Instagram Page owners to give coupons or other goodies to their followers. It lets you answer selective messages and specify & Ignore groups and contacts. The app can also work as a plugin for Tasker, which is an automation tool. It regularly backs up data so that it is easy to restore in case of malfunctions. All in all, it is a dedicated personal assistant that helps you transform the business.
#4 AutoResponder for WhatsApp
AutoResponder for WhatsApp is a bot that you can set up on your personal or business account to automatically reply to every custom received message. It contains a lot of settings that everyone can customize according to requirements. The bot detects all the incoming messages and provides an auto-reply as instructed by the owner. It includes a large number of automation tools and makes it easy for you to interact with messages when busy. Start new chats with a welcome message and indicate contacts & groups to ignore.
AutoResponder for WhatsApp backups the data so that it can be restored in case of any mishaps. It can work as a plugin for the Tasker automation tool also acts as an AI for Dialogflow.com. It can function with an unknown number, contact, and groups without any difficulty. Lastly, it includes an automatic scheduler that can publish posts with some delay.
#5 Auto Reply for whats
Auto Reply for whats is a bot that automatically replies to received messages, and you can also use its features to build campaigns for customer support. There is no need to learn any technical skills for using all the features. It has a user-friendly interface and enables you to create a personalized auto-reply chatbot from scratch. It works with several apps such as WA Business, WA Official, and more.
Auto Reply for whats gives complete control in customizing elements of a message like beginning with, end with, exact match, and more. You can block contacts or groups from sending messages and answer only to selective contacts. The app supports more than 55 fancy fonts, allowing the person to add charm to messages. It can initiate a conversation that is not in the contact list and lets you send a message with gaps.
All the data such as contacts and messages are regularly backed up so that it can be easily recovered in case of device migration or Whatsapp reinstall. You can write a message one time and reuse it as many times as desired. Furthermore, It has more than 23 beautiful themes that you can choose as the main one.
#6 Auto Message
Auto Message is a scheduling app that offers several features such as sending automated emails, automatically answering calls & sending SMS/text messages. You have to specify the time at which the message is to be sent, after which the app will handle the rest. It provides an intuitive easy to use interface that makes it fun to schedule messages in a few clicks, either on the tablet or mobile device.
Auto Message allows you to redo previous activities automatically and modify them as per requirements. It works while you are sleeping or busy by fulfilling all the tasks on time. The app can synchronize with the cloud making it easy to store tasks online and sharing them with colleagues or anyone in the social circle.
The best feature is the Auto Send SMS functionality that forwards the message at the specified time. Besides sending messages, it also auto-replies to all the incoming messages. And whenever a call is declined, let the recipient know by giving them an appropriate short response like “Will talk later.”.
#7 WhatsBot
WhatsBot is an all-in-one tool that allows you to set up a personalized ChatBot for the purpose of auto-replying to all the incoming messages on WhatsApp. It is a great fit for people working in Sales or Marketing and enables them to send promotions about their products to a large audience. The app can easily connect with Dialogflow.com, an AI-powered by Google.
WhatsBot is pretty straightforward to use and doesn’t require any complex knowledge. Configure it now and let it perform all the duties while you sleep. One thing that is worth mentioning here is that there is no limit to the number of questions and answers, and you can send countless messages without any restriction. It includes a lot of settings that are customizable according to your needs.
Individually deal with all the Groups and private Messages without feeling overburdened or stressed. Block messages from contacts, and reply to only select messages. The app is very handy if you’re running a WhatsApp Business account and instantly replies to messages from senders. Seamlessly connect it with ARBot.co and Dialogflow.com
#8 SMS Auto Reply
SMS Auto Reply is the pro version of SMS Auto Reply Text Messages / SMS Autoresponder that offers extended functionality while retaining all the features provided by the original like AutoResponder for Instagram, Linked In, Skype, Viber, Whatsapp Personal & Business, and Telegram. You can use it to reply to messages when you’re away, napping, eating, reading, traveling, or occupied in any other activity. All you need to do is customize the auto-reply message, and the app will use it as the response. Replies are also possible using Whatsapp native emoji set.
Create a personalized list consisting of people that are to be set custom messages and turn on Auto-reply for that list. Use the scheduler to specify the time for sending recurring auto-replies and easily reuse the entries anytime. SMS Auto Reply is programmed to use a low amount of RAM and battery. It includes a voice functionality that reads aloud all the messages as soon as they arrive. You can modify the reading speed to speak slowly or faster and see messages without sending replies.
#9 Auto Reply Bot for WA, Autoresponder for Whats
Auto Reply Bot for WA, Autoresponder for Whats, automatically responds to Whatsapp messages when you’re driving, on a trip, sleeping, cooking, watching movies, or spending time with kids. It is your very own personal assistant that promptly replies to all the senders. You can add multiple replies corresponding to different states like away, busy, or doing something important. You can also customize the reply and store them without any restriction. Keep the answer short and to the point by using the native emoji set offered by Whatsapp.
Form a personalized list of certain people for sending specific auto-replies. Let the app know about the people you don’t want to reply to, and it will follow the instruction by ignoring them. Auto Reply Bot for WA, Autoresponder for Whats includes a message scheduler that makes it easy to add a reply in advance. Once everything’s done, the reply will trigger at the set date.
It is free from ads, making for a seamless experience as everyone can maintain focus and not get distracted. You can configure reply rules and decide whether to reply to people in the contact list, non-contacts, or both. It has a backup feature that allows you to store the data in Google Drive and instantly use it in case of data loss or malfunction.