Online Signature Maker
Online Signature Maker is a web-based tool that is used to create an electronic signature. This tool also allows you to download the signature, and you can easily use your signatures at the end of your business documents. It provides you the large option of signatures of famous celebrities for your inspiration, such as Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Charlie Chaplin, J,K, Rowling, Pablo Picasso, Virgina Wolf, Marilyn Monroe, and many others.
Online Signature Maker offers you two options to create your professional signatures, the first one is drawing signatures and the second is type signatures. You can use can any color for your signature in the draw option. When you select the second option, which is the type signature, it provides you with a number of options from which you can select your best one. It is a simple tool and provides you with the result within a few seconds.
Online Signature Maker Alternatives
#1 Create A Signature
Create A Signature is a tool that is used to create a professional-level email signature within a couple of minutes. It is a simple tool and offers you the features to completely customize your email signatures. The tool allows you to first introduce yourself by providing basic information such as first name, last name, email address, phone number, and mailing address. Then it offers you a number of templates that you can select according to your interest and requirements.
It also provides you the various color options and font styles which you can select and view your email signature in real-time. When you finalize your email signature, hit the finalize button, and you will get your customize and professional email signature within sixty seconds. The interface of the tool is quite basic and provides you with all the options on a single screen.
#2 MySignature
MySignature is the software that offers you a number of options to create professional and customized email signatures. It helps you to boost your brand by providing you with an email signature, which is intuitive. This software is used by all kinds of business people and small to large enterprises. This software does not require any technical expertise and helps you to create a signature for your Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, and Apple accounts.
It is compatible with all internet-connected devices such as mobile phones, desktops, tablets, etc. The software offers you a wide range of templates and free designs, which you can select and customize by selecting the color and font styles. It helps you to increase your personal branding, set the extra marketing channel, develop trust-based relationships, and much more. The process of signature creation is simple and easy.
#3 Signature by Salesflare
Signature by Salesflare is the tool that is used to create professional signatures within a few steps. This tool takes information such as name, phone number, email address, social profile, designation, and address automatically and converts it into signatures. It is a simple tool, and it does not require any extensive technical expertise.
Signature by Salesflare allows you to download the signatures and use them on various business documents and emails. It is a lightweight tool, and it works seamlessly in low memory and space. This tool avoids you from adding the data in the contact list manually by automatically taking the data from your Salesflare Contacts. The interface of the tool is quite simple and user-friendly and provides all the information in one place.
#4 MySigMail
MySigMail is a simple tool that helps you to create professional signatures for your business without any coding. The tool comes with its own editor, which is intuitive that allows you to customize the signature according to your interests. It helps you to create a signature for every single employee of your organization, with its name, designation, and company logo. You can even add colors and social icons to your signature to make it even more attractive.
The signature you create with this tool is compatible with various platforms like Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, Apple mail, etc. It allows you to preview the signatures in real-time, and you can even see all the changes before finalizing the signature. MySigMail is a lightweight tool and provides you with a simple and user-friendly interface. You can also add your avatar to your signatures, and it provides you the signatures which are ready to use HTML email signature.
#5 Mailcastr
Mailcastr is the software that is used to track your emails, and it sends the right email to the right person at the right time. You can easily schedule all your emails, and it will send them automatically. This tool helps you to close the business deal faster by providing you with the options to create a professional-level email. It comes with its extension, which you can use on your browser and easily tracks the email.
This tool also informs you by sending the notification when the other person reads your emails. It sends you all the other notifications in real-time to stay proactive with the email activities. Moreover, it tells you the related information about the location, links, devise, and IP address you the email receivers. It is simple software, and it provides you with a user-friendly interface.
#6 Email Signature Template Generator
Email Signature Template Generator is a web-based tool that provides you with various templates to create a professional-level signature within a few minutes. The tool requires you to choose the template according to your interest and business requirements. Then it asks you to enter all your personal information such as first name, last name, job title, department, company name, mobile phone number, office number and extension, website URL, email address, office address, and all your social links like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
It also provides you the additional space to add the extra and custom content for your signatures. It further provides you the options to customize your signatures like theme color, text color, link color, font, and font size. Moreover, you can also upload your profile picture and company logo to add to your signatures. It also provides you the options to add the custom CTA image and URL.
#7 Email Signature Generator by cloudHQ
Email Signature Generator by cloudHQ is the Chrome extension that provides you the signature templates and helps you to create professional signatures for your business requirements. This extension allows you to add your company details, images, logos, and links to social websites. It helps you to promote your business services and products by allowing you to add sales links to your website.
You can also include the link to your YouTube videos and add extra information about the products or services. This extension is supported by the Google workspace integrations, and you can easily create the signatures of all the team members. It also allows you to customize your signature by selecting the options of font size, colors, and font. It is a simple extension and provides you with a user-friendly and simple interface. Moreover, it provides a large number of icons of various brands and websites, which you can use in your signatures.
#8 MailDoodler
MailDoodler is the website that helps you to create a customized business signature for your Gmail accounts and provides you the tools to manage the Gmail signatures for your employees and team members. It allows you to create attractive campaigns and control the image of your brand. You can easily add your company banner or logo along with the address just by clicking uploading the image, and you can also include the URL, which is generated with Google Analytics.
The dashboard of the website is quite basic and allows you to customize the signatures by drag and drop features. It creates your signatures within a few steps. You are required to add your personal information, and MailDoodler also collects your information from the Gmail accounts automatically. It offers you the option to select the font, font size, and color for your professional signatures.
#9 MyLiveSignature
MyLiveSignature is a tool that is used to create professional-level signatures for your business communications. It provides you the option to draw a signature by simply using your figure, pen, mouse, touchscreen, and tablet. You can also create a signature by typing the information using the keyboard. The tool provides you with the signature in the image file of .png format. Moreover, it allows you to add your company logo, promotion banners, photos, and links so you can easily promote the image of your business.
The tool automatically cleans the photo that you provide for your signature. It is a lightweight tool, and it works smoothly and seamlessly in low space and memory. The interface of the tool is quite basic and simple that providing you the all the features and options on a single screen. You can easily preview your signatures before finalizing.
#10 Signature Hound
Signature Hound is the platform that helps you to manage the email signatures for you and your entire team. It offers you a wide range of signature temples, and you are required to add your basic information such as phone number, social media accounts, full name, email, a destination address, etc. You can customize your signatures to reflect the image of your brand, and you can easily upload the logo and photo of your brand.
It allows you to select the font, font size, and color of your signatures. It helps you to add your signatures in the email automatically before sending it to clients. You can easily share the signatures with your colleagues and team members, and they can easily add their information keeping the format similar. The other features are seasonal calls to action, CSV share, forever hosting, and many more.
#11 Htmlsig
Htmlsig is a reliable email signature generator that comes with tons of benefits. The well-designed templates are available on this platform in a broad range. It doesn’t matter what kind of business or organization you are running, and you can select the most suitable template from the collection.
The option of customizing each template is also present through which you can make a lot of changes in the email signature. With this, you can also add your social media profile at the bottom of the signature. This technique will raise the number of followers on your social media accounts.
The interface of this platform is much easy to use. A non-trained person doesn’t require a deep understanding of Htmlsig. The pricing system is pocket-friendly, and no extra service charges are included. You have to pay the subscription fees monthly. There is also has a demo version of this email signature generator to check whether it lies on your criteria or not.
#12 Brandmymail
Brandmymail is a software used to customize an email template. It is a collection of multiple features that can help you to reach your marketing goals. With this help of this, you can create your template that will attract the clients. It is effortless to use and comes with a smart interface where you can easily access all tools and features.
There are many built-in templates available in the package, and you can also create your template by using its unique collection of colors, images, logos, and descriptions. This software comes in multiple price packages. Some of the packages are quite expensive, designed for large businesses. Unlike others, it also offers a trial version to test its features and tools.
#13 Rocketseed
Rocketseed is an international email signature designing software used for marketing purposes. A user-friendly editor is available in it through which you can create and design as many email signatures as you can. It is designed for small to large-size businesses and comes with all the leading tools and features that help you easily created and designed any email signature.
The software is also best for beginners and offers a wide range of email signature templates. All its templates are designed by an expert team that will surely leave a professional impact on your clients. It is effortless to learn, and none of the complexity is involved in it. With its simple dashboard, you can access all tools and create your signature in just a few minutes.
This software will also help you out in the branding of your product. By creating a professional email signature, you can attract various clients towards your offer. Give your email banner campaign a professional look by using Rocketseed.
#14 Wisestamp
Wisestamp is a flexible email signature generating software. It allows multiple organizations or businesses to design a dynamic and professional email signature. This software provides you the most efficient way to interact with the email receiver. It enhances the popularity of any specific organization with every email.
E-signature is the best source of marketing through which you can target a large population. Wisestamp helps out a company or organization to show their professionalism by an email signature. It is effortless to understand the working of this platform just because of the simple interface.
You can get confused with some of the tools of this software, but a help bar will guide you properly regarding every problem. Wisestamp can work with a large variety of email providers such as Gmail, Mac, yahoo, Hotmail, Microsoft Outlook, and iPhone. Always use the most updated browser like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, to use this platform accurately.
#15 Gimmio
Gimmio is an email signature generating software that is quite different as compared to the other email signature generators. It is free to use the software, and you can access its service anywhere around the world. The best thing about this email signature software is that it comes with lots of new tools and features to create any signature without any effort.
It also has a lot of professionally designed templates available in it that will help you out to create an elegant email signature. Gimmio has a feature to handle the email signatures of the multiple departments. You don’t need to design or manage every signature individually. By using the solution, you can reach maximum people because of your attractive email signature.
This software features a simple and straightforward interface that is easy to understand and use. You can also add logos, pictures, documentation, and descriptions in your template. A high-level editor allows you to make multiple changes in the selected template. If you are a good designer, then you can design your email signature without using any template.
#16 Black Pearl Mail
Black Pearl Mail is a SaaS-based marketing product that helps brands and companies to target a broad audience. By using this, you can make people aware of your products. It is a feature-rich solution and comes with all the leading tools and features through which you can introduce your business at various spots. A strong email generator also comes in this software that helps you to search for a specific employee or a company.
A vast database of the marketing industry is available in Black Pearl Mail that helps you increase your sales. The best thing about this software is that it always provides you the most updated data, and its developers update the database regularly.
Centralized signature management of the Black Pearl Mail allows you to design an elegant email signature for your business department. Just like most of the leading e-signature service providers, Black Pearl Mail also offers multiple templates, and you can easily choose each one without any limitation.
#17 Crossware Mail Signature
Crossware Mail Signature is a robust email signature generator used by both medium and small-sized organizations. It comes with several uniquely designed templates, and these templates help you to create a professional email signature for your business. You can add descriptions, images, logos, and advertising banners in the signature.
By using these signatures, you can target a broad audience or a specific audience. It was challenging to manage the signatures of different departments of the organizations. Now you can manage each signature by using this marketing tool. It helps you out to meet a variety of people by which you can make progress in your business.
The email signatures build from the Crossware Mail Signature are mobile-friendly, which means a client can read your email accurately through a Smartphone. A high-quality text editor is also available in this software that helps you to add different variations of colors in your text.
#18 Sigstr
Sigstr is a cloud-based email signature generator that is ideal for freelancers, entrepreneurs, businessmen, and many industries. It is a feature-rich solution and comes with lots of advantages. The first and main feature of Sigstr is to create multiple email signatures using the drop and drag interface. You don’t need to learn any coding language, use its templates to create a professional e-signature.
This platform allows you to forward the content to the recipient that also includes a clickable call-to-action button. Through the call-to-action, you can track the clicks and the engagement of the receiver with the campaigns. This software will save your money as well as your precious time. You can design multiple email signatures anonymously and can also customize or edit them.
You don’t need to have a complex understanding of the software, purchase it, and start using it. Other than these features, various marketing tools, and features are available in the solution that makes it better than others. It is commercial software and comes with multiple price plans. Each plan has its own cost and benefits.
#19 Bybrand
Bybrand is an email signature creator and marketing tool that helps you to reach the business goals. It is integrated with Freshdesk, G Suite, and Zoho by which you can save a lot of time. The platform comes as the alternatives to Zippysig and offers all the key services with some new tools and features to make it better than others.
It is a modern style email signature creator that comes with dozens of signature templates and designs through which you can make a perfect email signature without any effort. This platform is specially designed for Marketers and IT managers. By using the elegant signature templates, you can target a large population of clients.
Just like most of the other similar solutions, Bybrand also comes with an editor that helps you create your signature. It is quite easy to use this software; a practice of a little time can make you familiar with the usage of Bybrand. Tools for creating signatures updated with time, and you can manage multiple email signatures at the same time.
#20 Newoldstamp
Newoldstamp is email signature making and business management software used for marketing purposes. This software is ideal for both medium and small-sized organizations. Through this platform, you can design multiple email signatures that will leave a good impact on your customers. It provides seamless integration with devices like smartphones and major email clients.
For meeting the branding requirements, you can generate interactive email signatures without any effort. The option of running the campaigns that contain an email signature banner is also available in this software. You can also track the performance of an email signature on a single dashboard.
The software offers multiple templates that mean you don’t need to use the same template for the various departments, and you can design a separate email signature for each department. The option of customizing the template is also included in the software through which you can edit or can make changes in the email signature. Newoldstamp also provides you a central signature and signature banner management system that makes it more feature-rich.
#21 Signaturesatori
Signaturesatori is a solution for the email signature management for G Suite. It comes with a lot of elegant templates. Each template is designed exceptionally, which will enhance the reputation of your business in front of your clients. You don’t need to learn anything new to use this platform.
Signaturesatori facilitates you with a high-level graphical user interface through which it comes very easy for you to understand it. By using this, you can design and implement various brand-aware signatures to your workers without any effort. It is not easy to reload data from the G suite without rewriting the recent user data in this platform because the template interface is much confusion.
You can design tons of email signatures for multiple departments. It is very straightforward to become a part of Signaturesatori, go and purchase the package from the official website. You can also try a demo version through which it becomes easy for you to judge this platform.
#22 Zippysig
Zippysig is an email signature generating software that comes with various features. Through its simple interface, you can design multiple email signatures for your business without any effort. The signatures produced by this software convey professionalism and has hundreds of templates. An expert team uniquely creates each template. You can easily choose each one and modify it without any limitations.
It doesn’t matter whether you are running a small or a large business, Zippysig will give a professional impression to your clients. It is a cloud-based email signature generator that means you can access its service anytime, anywhere. The pricing system of this software is extremely affordable to purchase and offer multiple price plans. Each plan has its own cost and features.
#23 SignBot
SignBot is the tool that is used to create a professional signature for your business’s communication and emails. It provides you with the email-ready signature within a few minutes, and you can share your customized signature format with your employees and team members. It offers you the option to customize the signature by selecting the font style, size, colors, etc.
You can easily upload the photo and logo of your brand. The interface of the tool is quite basic and allows you to create a signature without any coding. You can also select the template for your signatures and change them according to your requirements. It is a lightweight tool and works easily in low memory. It provides you with the output files in the image format.