Monodraw is a programming language to create art using binary structures. The tool is text-based, meaning it isn’t limited to computer graphics. It incorporates the program source code into the drawing itself, producing an artwork that requires no tools or materials other than characters on a screen. The program takes in a text file containing characters in the encoding of your choice.
It outputs a graphical image in PNG or an SVG variant. Since Hexagon is just a GeoGebra-inspired tool that uses text, Monodraw is not limited to creating art for Hexagram. You can, however, draw symbols just like in GeoGebra. The tool exploits the fact that computers calculate using binary data within their memory banks and produce images by sequential scanning of these registers, one after another.
You can also turn source code into a binary structure or bitmap. The bitmap is constructed in the same way that a traditional computer program is constructed and consists of assembly instructions. Each character in the source file represents one assembly instruction that will be executed when all prior instructions have been executed. The symbols and syntax used in Monodraw are inspired by common machine languages such as x86. All in all, Monodraw is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.
Monodraw Alternatives
#1 Textik
Textik is a free ASCII diagrams editor which allows you to create any text-based ASCII diagram. You can use it to take notes, as a project management tool, as an organizational chart maker, as a mindmap creator, or as a class presentation tool. Textik is written in Java and runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It supports all standard ASCII diagrams used in project management, including treemaps, mindmap, class diagram, and business process diagrams.
It also offers connectors between elements. A prominent feature of this tool is that it can import .doc documents that contain tables with different header styles using the style attribute. It also preserves the original layout of the table while converting it into an ASCII diagram. Textik saves files with .tdk file extension.
The software is highly customizable as the user interface can be altered by changing the style key to use, colors used in diagrams, various fonts, line styles, or zoom levels. A feature that allows users to create colored text using a color palette that contains standard colors, along with an option to use custom colors, is also available. All in all, Textik is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.
#2 Java Ascii Versatile Editor
Java Source Code Editor is a Java program that provides the best possible solution for editing any kind of source code. It supports not only HTML editing but also an editor for XML and JSP. With this tool, you get full-screen editing features that can be customized by the user via the included config files. The full-screen editor window allows you to compile, run and inspect the source code.
Additionally, it provides a customizable open dialog box with a listing of recently opened files along with a default list of source code files. You can also switch dialogues from English to any other language by modifying the string resource file for the program. All in all, Java Source Code Editor is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.
#3 ASCII Art Studio
ASCII Art Studio has been designed to help create ASCII art. The software is quite easy to use, and it has a good deal of functionality built-in so you can create high-quality art without too much hassle. A highlighting feature is the Comprehensive Character Set which means that artists will have enough characters at their disposal for creating just about anything imaginable.
With its Presentation Options, You will have options for creating presentations with the art. This is very helpful for businesses and individuals who need to present their ASCII art in a professional manner. The toolbox includes text mode, selection, freehand, brush, erase, fill, pickup, big text, line, curve, rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse, and table. All in all, ASCII Art Studio is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.
#4 Playscii
PlaySCII is the ultimate ASCII art, animation, and game creation program on the web. The aim is to create a platform for people of all programming experience levels to create interactive art for themselves and others. Highlighting features include left-handed support, better sound quality, textures/images, kerning tools for text creation, multiple fonts for letters of different sizes, and many more to come in the future.
The goal of PlaySCII is to create the best ASCII art, animation, and game creation program on the web. Other notable features include an additional language that allows for more than just English text entry. All in all, PlaySCII is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.
#5 ASCII Art Maker
ASCII Art Maker is a tool that allows you to create ASCII graphics from images and text. This is a great way to show off your artistic abilities; there’s no limit to the creativity that you can explore with ASCII Art Maker. The program has a simple, easy-to-use interface, and it makes editing images a breeze. You can import images from your digital cameras or from regular photos. You can also load images from the web. The program has additional features such as drawing multi-colored characters and diacritic marks as well as various pictures, texts, symbols, and flags for your creations.
The program’s interface is pretty self-explanatory; choose your source, choose your photo, and off you go. Adding text and drawing shapes is as easy as clicking the mouse. The program allows you to play around with colors as well as fonts. You can select a font from a variety of character sets, including Arial, Courier, Symbol, Times New Roman, and Verdana. All in all, ASCII Art Maker is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.
#6 UMLGraph
UMLGraph is a professional automated drawing tool that allows designers to draw the declarative specification and drawing of UML class and sequence diagram. The features of UMLGraph are supported for all kinds of UML diagrams, generate high-quality diagrams, class diagrams system, support for various image formats including postscript and frame maker drawings.
It is designed to support all types of UML diagrams to ease the work of designers and programmers. Class diagrams and sequence diagrams are the specialized areas of the UMLGraph. It is a tool by using which designers can improve the layout of the class diagrams as well by merely manipulating the dor parameters ratio, nodes, and miles.
Users can even instruct the UMLGraph to include private fields in its output as well, and for this, they are first required to pass the –private flag to JavaDoc. In the same way, UMLGraph assists the diagram makers in keeping an eye over all of their activities.
#7 Lucidchart
Lucidchart is a cloud-based diagram and flows chart maker for quickly creating diagrams, UML sketches, flow charts, and ER models. It is the best platform for creating a professional-level flowchart, sharing creative work with others, and creating brainstorming diagrams for project management level diagrams and flowcharts.
It is cloud-based, which means no need to install any software or extension in order-making either online diagrams or flow charts. By deploying the online portal of Lucidchart, the designers can quickly develop the sketches and share the professional level of flowchart diagrams with other users as well.
The best about Lucidchart is that it is suitable for all level of professionals either it is about brainstorming or managing an entire project, Lucidchart support all type of diagrams and chart creating in addition to providing communication and team collaboration.
As it is integrated with collaborative technology, and secondly, it is designed on the technology of being compatible, so Lucidchart supports the other apps and programs like Google apps and full support for the Microsoft Visio Documents.
#8 draw.io
draw.io is a web-based diagram and flowcharts making software for making any flowcharts and diagrams. It is for creating graphs, organization charts, process diagrams, flow charts, ER, UML, and network diagrams. The best about it is that it allows the creators to store their word directly to the most popular cloud storage devices, including Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox.
Moreover, the users can also save the work directly to storage devices and browsers. Being a multiplatform diagram and flow chart maker, the services of draw.io can access from any of the web browsers. Moreover, it deploys the technology of mxGraph that is itself based on the JavaScript Graph Visualization Component.
draw.io provides users with a single, consistent and complete set of API that lets the users easily create a consistent diagram or chart in any web-based environment. They are not required to worry about the version of any web browser. In addition to all these, draw.io is also integrated with the comprehensive features of editing, which lets users focus more on the project.
#9 Dia
Dia is a free and multiplatform software to draw structured diagrams. It supports over 30 types of diagrams and flowcharts, including network diagrams, network layouts, database models, flowcharts, and many others. Moreover, there are over thousands of objects are there in Dia that can be used by the designer at any time, and they are customizable too.
This application can be easily handled by various operating systems, including MS Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. Dia is an open-source and free application under the GNU license that lets designers modify the Dia according to their requirements easily.
Most of its features are much similar to that of MS Office Visio. However, the diagrams system of Dia is geared more towards comfortable to use tools as compared to the MS Office Visio. The best about Dia is the fact that it is a very little diagram application, but it can be used for different and many types of diagrams.
Moreover, it has its own independent set of diagrams and internal structure that lets the users of Dia quickly draw entire relationship diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and a lot of other structured diagrams.
#10 yEd Graph Editor
yEd Graph Editor is for making high-quality diagrams and graphs within a few clicks. The free desktop version is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux operating systems. yEd Graph Editor enables users to create diagrams manually as per their requirement and also import data and tools from their directory to creating the best diagrams and graphs.
It is up to the designers whether they want to go for the manual diagram creating or opt the importing of the existing one of the yEd Graph Editor; they will be here provided with both options. It is an application that is expert in instantly creating ULM diagrams, mind maps, organizational charts, and a lot of other tables and graphs range from development to educational purpose.
The four main features are the import of own data from Excel or any other XML format, user-friendly interface, automatically arranging of the elements of the diagrams, and all this end on the export of diagram in various formats from PNG to PDF and SWF. Talk about the diagrams that can be made through yEd Graph Editor; then these are BPMN diagrams, UML class diagrams, family trees, flowcharts, semantic networks, social networks, and many more.
#11 OmniGraffle
OmniGraffle is for creating stunning graphics, diagrams, flowcharts, electrical system design, family tree, mapping, and much more. It is available for iOS and Mac OS X. The features of OmniGraffle have documented synchronization, Graphviz layout system, artistic look, customs setting, custom templates, multi-page and documents, export option, unit scaling, resolution setting, and much more.
It is an application for creating almost all types of charts and diagrams if you are looking for a platform from where you can create website wireframes, electrical system design, mapping out of software classes, a family tree, and a lot of others.
For its stunning features, OmniGraffle can be said as a must-have diagram and chart making an application for artists, causal data-mappers, artists, and for all those who have to deal with simple to the sophisticated level of diagrams.
At OmniGraffle, they will be provided with an extensive range of options and tools like templates for ready-made work, canvases for both manual and ready-made work, stencils, and almost all those that assist designers in doing something quickly and outstanding.
Most of the features are common in both free and pro versions of the OmniGraffle, but expert and professional designers can easily understand the advantages of having the professional version. So, it is OmniGraffle that is the house of all features of the OmniGraffle from AppleScript & Actions Support to Tables, from Shape Combinations to Object Geometry Controls and many more.
#12 ArgoUML
ArgoUML is an open-source modeling and diagram creating application integrated with all features that support all types of standard UML 1.4 diagrams. It works from any Java platform and is available in almost ten other languages a well.
As it is a free and open-source UML modeling tool, so, users of ArgoUML can even modify their purpose as well to make their work even more accessible. If you talk about the features that will be at your disposal, then this list includes the various stunning features. Either it is about support for all nine UML 1.4 diagrams or click and go system, XMI support of export of pictures, advanced diagrams designing & zoom or OCL support, and reflection-in-action system or opportunistic design.
Every feature in ArgoUML has its specific purpose that lets the users get the best comprehension and problem-solving tools. Explorer perspectives system, and then the overlapping and multiple views are also part of the ArgoUML.
It delivers profile for Java, C++, and UML 1.4. The diagrams that are being supported by the ArgoUML are the class diagram, statechart diagram, activity diagram, use case, collaboration, deployment, and sequence diagram. Moreover, all diagrams come with adjustable font size, as well.
#13 UMLet
UMLet is a lightweight yet powerful and rapidly drawing UML diagram maker based in the Eclipse environment. It is an open-source program that means you can modify its internal structure as well according to the requirements of your project.
It is a diagram and chart maker that can be deployed quickly for instantly and efficiently drawing UML diagrams, activity diagrams from the plain text, building sequence diagrams, and even exporting diagrams in image format and PDF format.
The designers can also share their diagrams by efficiently using the Eclipse and can even create new and custom UML elements as well. The best about UMLet is that it is an independent and also a supported drawing making application that runs as a standalone and as an Eclipse plugin on three popular operating systems, mainly Windows, Linux, and OS X operating systems.
In previous versions of the UMLet, there were a lot of issues that were resulting in producing bad projects. However, the latest version of UMLet, in addition to improving itself, contains the new custom elements and new sequence system as well. Opaque elements, line, enhance relations, and a lot of other great tools are now part of the UMLet.
#14 StarUML
StarUML is a diagram and software modeler that is one of the most UML tools where there is no limit for evaluation. It can be used for Windows, OS X, and Linux operating systems. Here designers will enjoy the features of UML 2, ERD support, fast modeling, retina display support, extension manager, model-driven development, code engineering, open APIs, asynchronous model validation, publishing of HTML documents, PDF export for clean printing and, in the end, markdown support. All these features are sufficient to tell about the story of the StarUML.
It is compatible with the UML 2.x standard and supports almost eleven different types of UML diagrams. It can be even used to create the Entity-Relationship Diagrams as well, which is regarded as the most common diagrams that are used for database modeling.
StarUML is best in creating elements and connecting them easily because StarUML supports the many shorthands in Quick Edit to create elements and relationships at once that are including sub-classes, supporting interfaces, and many more.
StarUML supports the Retina display as all diagrams, icons, and texts can be easily used in the StarUML. Even though StarUML has its distinctive features, yet there is another proper extension manager that extend the features and functions of the StarUML.
#15 Gaphor
Gaphor is a Python-based, open-source, multiplatform, and multipurpose modeling application for creating excellent UML diagrams for documentation. It even assists designers in making the best designing decisions. It allows designers to develop their applications quickly and. It has its own UML 2.0 compliant data model.
The expert designers can understand what the meaning of designing is. It is about making the communication more comfortable to use just by the use of pictures and diagrams, and it doesn’t limit the designers to use any of the elements to use in one diagram. Check out what Gaphor can do for you.
The features of Gaphor are stand-alone UML 2.0 compliant data model, compatibility with other modeling tools, support for stereotypes on classes, interfaces, classes support stereotypes attributes, cross-platform, and a comprehensive plugin infrastructure that make the Gaphor easy to extend.
By using the Gaphor, the user can easily create the following types of diagrams; class diagrams, component diagrams, action diagrams, user case diagrams, interaction diagrams, state diagrams, and profiles. The plugin infrastructure of the Gaphor lets designers extend their features to get even more control over their projects.
#16 NClass
NClass is a free and user-friendly UML class designer for getting the UML class diagrams all supports by the java and C# languages. First of all, there is a user-friendly interface that is designed to provide designers to get easy and fast development.
By using the NClass, designers will come into the position of getting full command and control on the various type of class designing like properties, delegates, enums, and other languages specific elements. All with semantical verification and strict syntactical on the other hand.
Just use it to design your application as you want by the few clicks. In addition to being user-friendly, the diagram styles of NClass lets the designers to create the diagrams of professional levels quickly and just like those that they encountered in the Visual Studio and various other commercial products.
Moreover, they can even generate the code as well from either their own deployed models or by importing already existing classes from the.NET assemblies. Also though NClass is integrated with various features, still many advanced features are missing in this program. You can expect the functions of support for many language-specific elements, inline class editing, reverse engineering from.NET assemblies, and configurable diagram styles as well.
#17 Software Ideas Modeler
Software Ideas Modeler is the set of highly professional diagramming tools that assist designers in designing and describing their software or application by only using the BPMN, SysML, UML, ArchiMate, and some other deployment tools. It contains almost all those features and functions that will let you craft professional-level style diagrams structure and behavior modeling, all with full ease.
The support for import and export diagrams that is the standard features in all modeling and designing applications are also part of Software Ideas Modeler. The five primary areas of service of Software Ideas Modeler are UML tool, SysML tool, BPMN tool, ERD tool, and diagramming tool.
Here we will discuss the diagramming tools of the Software Ideas Modeler that comes with the free edition of the Software Ideas Modeler. In addition to merely providing the support for SysML, BPMN, and UML, the other support for diagrams are flowchart, entity-relationship diagrams, data flow diagrams, CRC cards, robustness/requirement/concurrency diagrams, Venn diagram, mind map, user interface diagram, JSD entity structure/network diagram and multiple matrices from CRUD, RACI to RACI-VS and DACI. Most of the features in Software Ideas Modeler are available for free to get the fully packed features that designers are required to go for the full version.
#18 Diagram Designer
Diagram Designer is a vector graphics editor for generating the UML class diagrams, flow charts, slideshows, and the illustrations. Diagram Designer is a freeware UML class diagrams and flowcharts creator for almost all versions of Windows operating systems.
The features of the Diagram Designer are it is a highly customizable application, contains template objects palette, spellchecker, import and export of all types of image and PDF formats, slideshow viewer, and simple graph plotter to plot even mathematical expressions.
It also offers a pocket calculator with equation solver, integration of MeeSoft Image Analyzer, extending the file format support, and uses the compressed file format. In addition to providing the designers with a lot of features and functions, the source code of Diagram Designer is also available for download. Moreover, the source code of the Diagram Designer can be compiled with Borland Delphi 7 as well.
#19 PlantUML
PlantUML is an open-source tool for creating UML diagrams from a simple textual description. By using this, designers can quickly draw many diagrams, including sequence diagram, class diagram, use case diagram, activity diagram, component diagram, wireframe graphical interface, object diagram, state diagram, deployment diagram, and a lot of others.
Most of the features and way of working is the Graphviz type that means the rendering of various kind of diagrams and charts like syntax and Ditaa, Dot, and others. If you talk about the images, then these can be generated in PNG, LaTeX, and even in SVG formats, as well.
The best above all is that PlantUML can be even used to generate ASCII art diagrams that are only for the sequence diagrams. PlantUML uses the basic human-readable text description to draw the UML diagrams more easily and quickly.
However, the designers are required to remember that PlantUML doesn’t prevent the designers from even drawing the inconsistent diagram that has two classes inheriting from each other. So, in that case, the designers are required to be careful. The other problem associated with PlantUML is that sometimes, it becomes reluctant to configure with most of the operating systems.
#20 Umbrello
Umbrello is a UML modeling program for the KED that supports a wide range of diagrams, code export, and reverse engineering. It is an open-source modeling tool based on the technology of KDE.
It lets the diagram makers and designers create the diagrams for the software, applications for other systems in a standard format document support system to the designing own independent structure for their programs. As it is based on the KED technology, so the Umbrello comes with KED SC, which means even support for the Linux operating systems.
Being the part of the KED technology, it comes with various other features in which the main one is installing the Umbrello as a standard application by deploying your tools or deploying its command-line tools to install it in a command-line package manager.
Umbrello is an open-source UML diagrams creator, and its source code is available for almost all operating systems that make it easy for the designers to modify it according to their requirements as well.
#21 Edraw Max
Edraw Max is an all-in-one diagram making tools for all types of students, professionals, teachers, and designers. It is among those few diagram tools used for all kinds of purposes. By using Edraw Max, designers can create, publish, and share the diagram of all types to represent their ideas.
There the diagram makers can enjoy the various type of charts and diagrams making like flowcharts, organizational charts, mind maps, home plans, electrical drawing, business form, fashion design, UML diagrams, and a lot of others.
The best about Edraw Max is that there are a proper diagram and chart maker for each type of diagram and chart. The best about Edraw Max is its corporate environment that is very cooperative and lets the users quickly draft and present their original diagrams for whatever purpose they want to use.
It is among those rare diagram and chart maker that are multipurpose. That means, in addition to diagrams and designers, the students, teachers, and business professionals can also use Edraw Max for their purpose. Having integration of almost 6000 vector symbols and then the availability of pre-drawn libraries, Edraw Max has made the drawing most comfortable and most straightforward.
#22 Cloudcraft
Cloudcraft is a professional drawing tool. It allows you to create dynamic diagrams of your cloud infrastructures for designers, developers, and organizations when it comes to inventory of all the resources they are offering to customers and end-users.
Also, users can build cloud architecture diagrams in just a matter of minutes. The software has built-in components that users can assemble so they can produce actual representations of resources and services from their cloud infrastructures.
With this, users can also capture data from cloud environments by allowing users to integrate it with the Amazon cloud services they are opted into. This visual designer enables users to capture data from their cloud so they can produce live diagrams that show up-to-date data and details.
They need to connect their existing Amazon cloud service account to the platform. After that, they can enjoy their service and easily import data from their cloud infrastructure without any limitation. The live components in their diagram can also show details, including configuration and cost.
Cloudcraft also includes core features such as creating a professional architecture diagram, AWS optimized live architecture diagrams, publishing on wikis, data at your fingertips, etc. Pro Solo, Pro Team and Enterprise, these are three different software price plans, and each has its own cost and core benefits.
#23 CloudShare
CloudShare is the most leading ready-to-go cloud that allows you to move your IT systems and apps from on-site into the cloud and share them through the web browser, whenever and wherever you want. It is especially known as a virtual IT lab that is perfect for complicated training scenarios, PoCs, sales demos, etc.
The software is always ready to make you more shine with robust solutions, all without requiring changes to your SaaS or on-premise apps. One of the most interesting facts about this platform is that it has automated uploading machines that save environment copies and manage an end-to-end environment lifecycle to your life easier.
As compared to all the other similar platforms, it is quite simple and easy to use and offer ready to use templates and step by step wizards that make it easy to get up and run at one time. CloudShare’s most popular feature includes virtual training, cybersecurity, sandboxing, environment templates, and much more. It is a commercial platform and offers multiple price plans; each plan has its own cost and core features.
#24 ObservePoint
ObservePoint is an automated platform designed to validate marketing tags and optimize digital analytics implementation and create a repeatable process that aligns with team and technology. It is used by hundreds of marketing technologies, verifying that digital assets conform to business requirements and protect against the threat of data inflation and leaks.
The best thing about this platform is that it applies more effective data-driven insights without questioning the integrity of your analytics data. There is also has an option that allows you to monitor tag implementations automatically and rest-easy, knowing if an error occurs.
Unlike most of the leading marketing solutions, it also offers quite a simple and easy-to-understand dashboard where you can access all tools and features. ObservePoint’s core feature includes enhance user-experience, maximize ROI, protect your data, rich security features, etc.
#25 ARIS
ARIS Business Analysis is a comprehensive business process analysis and management solution designed for all sizes of businesses and ideal for those who want to document, analyze, standardize, and enhance their processes. It is a comprehensive platform and comes with all the leading features, such as various design, collaboration, and management services. The solution comes with an intuitive interface where you can easily access all tools and features.
ARIS is also known as a diagramming software that helps businesses to easily create charts, flowcharts, data visualization, and all the other similar things without any extra effort. The most exciting fact about this software is that it offers multiple templates that are uniquely created by an expert team. You can easily choose and customize each one without any limitations. ARIS is commercial software and offers various price plans; each plan has its specific features and cost.
#26 UXPressia
UXPressia is a great platform that allows you to create customer journey maps, which means that it provides a personalized touch for its users to interact. It gives you multiple options and gives you a wide customer experience and allows you to collaborate with your team in real-time. It offers various tools, and it gives a persona impact map and customer general map. The software works around these three models and provides the top of the class facilities and product for its customers.
UXPressia can track customer behavior and analyses. The customer responds towards a product to the mapping journey together, and it integrates them on a single map and gives their product in high-resolution PDF or PNG format so that they can print the map without any problem.
The main feature of the platform include customer segmentation, name generator, photo generator, collaboration, drag and drop interface, impact maps, persona temperaments, define user archetype, and much more. UXPressia is the only cloud-based platform, and it is not free and comes with a subscription amount of $20 per month for a single user.
For industrial level usage, the prices are different, but you have to concern that the company to get their quote. The API module is easily customizable and provides every type of analytic data form so the user can know about the real-time changes to be done in the system.
#27 KeyLines
KeyLines is all in one software development kit based on javaScript that used to build applications that allow you to keep an eye on data analytics. This Software has all the vital toolkit that makes the effective running of the program with multiple language support. The Applications build with KeyLines is a new way to visualize data, and it lets you design application related to data, answering the questions that fit on any kind of platform.
The products offered by KeyLines based on the following characteristics that are customization, compatibility, automatic layouts, geospatial networks, and much more. KeyLines is featuring its resources available that guides you with its effective running and to avoid any complexity during its running.
KeyLines offering many features that include automatic layouts that suit on any network, network filtering, node combining, social network analysis, time-based analysis, and more. The other essential services offered by KeyLines are custom styling, high performance, expert support with high performance. The Software is making its mark with its in-depth documentation and robust API Integration, which makes sure that you have not to bear any difficulty while running it.
#28 Graphviz
Graphviz is an open-source graph visualization software that provides you with structural information. The software comes with all the necessary tools and services that make graphing functional with an in-depth analytical view. Many different graphs are available with in-depth knowledge of the program in multiple languages.
The software assists you in many sectors with its application: bioinformatics, software engineering, database, web design, and visual interfaces for various technical domains. The software is making its mark with its deep data analytics and documentation that serve you a path to know better development programs. The software features bugs and issues tracking in no time and provides you translation with multiple native languages.
This software makes its mark with its detailed diagrams with many options for color, fonts, tabular nodes, line style, hyperlinks, and custom shapes. Graphviz has many features to offer that include program layouts, simple text language, SVG for web pages, PDFs, interactive graph browsers, and much more. The software has many resources available that permit you to do better programming visualizations.
#29 Blockdiag
Blockdiag is an online image generating platform form simple texts that allows users to do diagraming comprehensively. The software comes with all the necessary tools and specifications that make a diagram useful resulting from the text. This software is robust and fully customized in terms of its diagramming services. There are multiple block diagrams available offered by Blockdiag that are block diagram, sequence diagram, activity diagram, and login diagram.
The file manager option facilitates you with multiple file saving options according to the requirement, and it generates interactive diagrams from a simple text format. Blockdiag assists you with automatic elements layouts of the chart and has a complete documentation system with in-depth resources for guiding its usage. Blockdiag is a place where you enjoy documentation with diagrams with multiple language support.